Food Bank

Christ’s Church at Lowhill Food Pantry

Christ’s Church at Lowhill Food Pantry4695 Lowhill Church Rd.
New Tripoli, Pa. 18066

Lowhill Food Pantry Website


The Blessings Shop:

The Blessings Shop distributes NEW & GENTLY used clothes, toys, household items and is open the same hours as the Pantry.
The shop is located in the lower level of the Pantry. To donate please email or call 484-707-6591 to see what donations we are currently accepting.

We welcome volunteers!!! please contact Marci at:

Help Feed the Hungry - Neighbors Helping Neighbors 

To see dates needing volunteers please view the Calendar tab.  Email Marci from the Contact
tab (or email address above) with the dates you would like to volunteer.

The Pantry is managed and staffed entirely by a volunteer work force. Opportunities are
available to help with stocking shelves, serving clients, and holiday activities. Youth
volunteers, ages 13 to 18, may help on stocking days the last Saturday of the month.

We would like to thank everyone who contributes to the food pantry. Your generosity makes a difference.


Christ’s Church at Lowhill Food Pantry is an IRS approved 501c3 charitable organization.