About » History

Kistler Valley - Lynn Township HistoryThe Kistler Valley, part of Lynn Township, traces it roots to the birth of America, back to the immigration of Johaness (John) Jeorg (George) Kistler who came to America in 1737, immigrating through Amsterdam from Palatinate Germany.

John George Kistler fought in the French Indian War, his five sons, Jacob Kistler, Samuel Kistler Brobst , John Kistler, George Kistler, and Philip, fought in the American Revolution.

A monument to the Kistler family exists along the Kistler Valley Road, of whom the valley is named. The monument is located near the intersection of Kistler Valley and Hummingbird Roads. A picture of the monument follows as well.

For More Information

lhhs_sign_largeFor more township history, visit the Lynn-Heidelberg Township Historical Society.

Historical Society Headquarters
6751 Madison Street
New Tripoli, PA 18066